宝天曼 | ![]() |
河南省内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区位于豫西南伏牛山南麓内乡县北部山区,山体海拔500-1845米,总面积100余平方公里。东临南召县,北瞩嵩县,南近宁西铁路和312国道。7 k0 G' y9 C+ m9 c2 ]( u# y9 ]1 A/ ^ 宝天曼世界生物圈保护区是1980年4月经河南省人民政府建立的我省第一个自然保护区,1988年5月经国务院批准为“国家级自然保护区”。1993年7月,中国人与生物圈国家委员会把宝天曼纳入“中国生物圈保护区网络”。2001年9月,联合国教科文组织批准宝天曼加入世界生物圈保护区网络,至此成为河南省唯一一个“世界生物圈保护区”。 宝天曼世界生物圈保护区地处北亚热带和南暖温带的过渡区,其保护对象为过渡带森林生态系和珍稀动植物。区内森林茂密,植被类型复杂,垂直带谱明显,物种资源丰富,茫茫林海中栖息和生长着数以万计的珍稀动植物,天然林依然保持着过渡带山地生态系统的原始状态。科学考察发现,区内有高等植物256科1054属2911种,占河南植物总数的73%,其中属国家重点保护的植物有连香树、太白冷杉、红豆杉等29种,占河南省重点保护植物88%;陆栖脊椎动物有201种,其中鸟类116种。区内彩蝶飞舞,鸣虫欢唱,有蝶类162种,蜻蜓58种,蜘蛛108种,许多是珍稀特有种。被誉为“天然物种宝库”、“中原绿色明珠”。9 b5 K4 X8 ^; g) R! F 宝天曼世界生物圈保护区被批准开发建设“生态旅游示范区”,是河南省政府确定的伏牛山旅游开发之龙头。目前,第一期工程推出的有宝天曼原始森林探幽、骆驼峰奇山险峰游、七星潭景区游、天心洞溶洞游、桃花源瀑布游和宝天曼河谷瀑布游等六条旅游线路。 行车路线:郑州------南阳-----内乡------宝天曼+ L5 O x0 U' \. F 门票价格:60元/人 联系电话:0377-65315969 65317969 65316300 原始森林,遮天蔽日,是您陶醉的天然氧吧;瀑飞潭幽,山奇峰险,是您忘情的世外仙景;物种珍稀,生态多样,是您梦幻的生物王国。 ; H$ m- Z( y4 c2 E$ L, k Bao Tianman is situated in the northern mountain area of Neixiang county, on the south slope of Funiu Mountain in West Henan. Its total area is 9,304 hectares. The length from north to south is 28.5 kilometres and 26.5 kilometres from east to west. It is the first Nature Reserve of Henan province established under the assignment of People’s Government of Henan province in April 1980. It became the National Nature Reserve under the assignment of the State Council in May 1988. In September 2001, the UNESCO permitted Bao Tianman into the network of World Biosphere Reserves. Till then it became the first World Biosphere Reserve of Henan Province. Henan Bao Tianman National Nature Reserve is located in the transitional region between the north subtropical zone and the south warm temperate zone. There are tens and thousands of rare animals and plants in the forest of the Reserve. The Natural Forest still remains the primitive outlook of the transitional mountain ecosystem. According to the discoveries of the scientific research , there are 256 families 1054 genuses 2911 species of senior plants, namely 73 percent of the total plants in Henan province, Among these ,there are 29 National Protected plants which account 88 percent of importantly protectde plants of Henan province. There are 201 terrestrial animals whth spine, among which the birds are 116 species. In the reserve the butterflise arte 162 species, dranonflies are 59 species and spiders are 108 species. Many are rare and endemic types. It is called as “the Treasure Hall of Natural Species” and “the Green Pearl of Central China”。 In order to promote the opening of the Bao Tianman Nature Reserve and give full play to its social function, now three travel lines have been developded. They are the travel to BaoTianman’s primitive forest, the travel to the steep peaks of Luo Tuofeng , the travel to the top Waterfalls of Bao Tianman. price:60¥; h5 J Q" b; ]; C/ @ tel ![]() |
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