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标题: 新概念三册与普罗米修斯 [打印本页]

作者: 别怕我伤    时间: 2013-3-4 08:06
标题: 新概念三册与普罗米修斯

. E2 ?% z- @; G/ h     普罗米修斯(古希腊语:Προμηθεύς),在希腊神话中,是泰坦神族的神明之一,名字的意思是“先见之明”(forethought)。是地母盖亚与天父乌拉赫斯的女儿克吕墨涅与伊阿佩托斯的儿子。普罗米修斯教会了人类很多知识。2012年雷德利•斯科特执导科幻电影-同名电影讲述了一个科幻的故事。21世纪末,人类的科技水平已高度发达,克隆人技术和宇宙航行早已实现,不再是梦想。与此同时,许多科学家仍孜孜不倦追索着人类起源的秘密与真相。通过对许多古老文明的考察与对比,科学家伊丽莎白•肖和查理•赫洛维发现,人类可能是来自一个遥远星系的外星人创造的。在Weyland公司资助下,他们乘坐维克丝所掌管的宇宙飞船普罗米修斯号前往那颗未知的星球。经过对当地的考察,地球人的设想成功得到印证。可是他们贸然探查“神的秘密”的行为,也将自己引入万劫不复的深渊……电影非常精彩,在看电影的同时,细心的人会发现,这其中也有很多与新概念三册相联系的知识点,下面北京新东方新概念老师与您一起分享。
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2 j+ f* w( K2 f* S  影片一开始便介绍了Prometheus号科考船,对其描述是这样的:Scientific exploratory vessel: Prometheus; Crew: 17; Date: December 21, 2093;  Distance from Earth: 3.27*1014km; Destination: undisclosed; (科考船:普罗米修斯号;船员:17名;2093年12月21日;距地球:327兆公里,约34.5光年;目的地:不明;)。当科考船到达未知星球是,是这样报告的:Destination threshold(抵达目的地)。在这其中,destination为新概念三册第44课中的生单词,lesson 44- speed and comfort是一篇很重要的文章,对高考、托福、雅思的写作有着至关重要的作用。该词在文章中共出现三次,分别为:e.g.1: Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. e.g.2: You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly. e.g.3: However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. 在这三句中destination均为目的地的意思。无独有偶,其实在另一部很出名的影片中也出现了这个词-死神来了Final Destination.
* {8 s! O6 t$ c' @- H+ J9 J, N- r- K
2 [. l! S$ J. j9 J6 O  在Ellie的梦境中,作为一个小女孩她问道:对于那些死去的人,Where do they go? 回答说:Everyone has their own word. Heaven. Paradise. Whatever it's called, it's someplace beautiful. (每个人都有自己的归宿,天堂,乐园,不管叫做什么,总归是个美好的地方。)这里面的paradise出现在了新概念三册第十二课中,lesson 12 Life on a desert island也是写作的重点,paradise和heaven两个词是重点说明的单词,出现在这句:We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.; d9 m( U4 Y+ e
4 D$ f7 T0 K4 P# q! Z& C; c) o
  当普罗米修斯号到达目的地时,船上的船员都被机器人所唤醒,这时候肖博士开始呕吐,David向其解释道:Try to relax, Dr.Shaw. My name is David. Your mind and body are in a state of shock as a result of the stasis. It's all right. Perfectly normal. (放松,肖博士,我叫大卫,你的身体处于休克痉挛状态,这是休眠造成的,没事,这是正常的。)这其中出现了新概念三册最后一课中会讲到的一个短语,表示处于……状态,用的是in a state. 原句是:Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos.这里是说混沌的状态。7 t- C: a" h* t) P9 J
4 C$ \8 O, Y- D7 B$ d  _# u
  当介绍船员中唯一的机器人时,雇主是这样说的:There is a man sitting with you today. His name is David. He is the closest thing to a son I will ever have. Unfortunately he is not human.  He will not grow old, and he will never die. And yet he is unable to appreciate these remarkable gifts, for that would require two things that David will never had, a soul.  (你们中间有个人叫大卫,他就像我应有的儿子一样,可惜的是,他不是人类,他不会变老,也不会死掉。 他却不懂得欣赏这些天赋,因为他缺少一样东西-灵魂)。在本句中,出现了for表示原因的重要语法点,这在新概念三册的第一课就出现了,同时贯穿了整个三册的课文,大家必须注意for表示原因的用法。 Lesson 1 A puma at large原句是这样的:e.g. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
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  在描述维克斯在飞船中独立的套间时:Wow! Nice place! It's actually a separate module with its own self-contained life support. Air. Food.  Anything Miss Vickers would need to survive a hostile environment. (哇,好地方!事实上,这是飞船的独立舱,有自给的生命维系系统。水,空气,任何能让维克斯小姐在恶劣环境下生存的东西都有。)这里的hostile environment 是恶劣的生存环境的意思,hostile这个词本意是指具有敌意的,出现在新概念三册第四十八课。Lesson48 The silent village原句为:In this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.其引申意就是指环境上恶劣,不适合居住,比如说水星是个不适合居住的星球,就可以是a hostile planet.) |6 p: R, i7 Z" ]" P

6 k7 v( w, r; x: A$ [& [# E  看到这儿就已经出现了很多知识点,实际上影片精彩的地方才刚刚开始呢!# z1 h1 c8 j1 J" f0 H' y, l4 A- Z& N

9 n- ~" d- W+ S( T% x

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